Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible?

Spouses/Partners of a newly-hired Purdue Research Foundation employee, Research Park, and/or Discovery Park District staff member.

What are your services?

Some of the services we offer include job search assistance, support and advice on resumes, cover letters, and interviewing techniques, information on job openings, informational workshops, networking opportunities, community and volunteer referrals, and resources for relocation, housing and additional family resources.

What is the process? How is contact established?

Fill out the registration form, and a Purdue Research Foundation staff member will contact you via email.

Is there a charge associated with these services?

Purdue Research Foundation Dual Career services are free of charge to qualified individuals.

Am I guaranteed employment?

There is no guarantee of employment using Dual Career services; however, we will do our best to assist you in your job search by providing you resources and information that can help you with your career transition.

Will my participation in your program provide me with better placement?

Purdue Research Foundation can not intervene in an employer’s hiring process; however, we can help you navigate the path to employment to the best of our abilities. We will alert hiring managers of your qualifications, provide introductions and make you aware of career opportunities.

Can you help me find employment outside the Purdue Research Foundation and Purdue University?

Yes, we can! Our Dual Career services maintains a network of business contacts in the community and surrounding areas to assist you in your job search. Some of the area industries include healthcare, finance, education, and technology.

How long will you assist me?

Up to one year or until you secure employment, whichever comes first.

If I secure employment, can I use your office as a reference?

Our office does not provide references for clients. References given to potential employers should be those who can speak with a great degree of validity about your past professional contributions, accomplishments and successes. Colleagues in your particular field or previous supervisors are the best references.

Kurz Purdue Technology Center, 1281 Win Hentschel Blvd., West Lafayette, IN 47906; 765-588-3470

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